Tuesday, April 26, 2011

15-Minute Abs Workout ..... Say goodbye to boring crunches!

Best Blogger Tips
Workout ni boleh membantu kekuatan (stretch) perut, obliques, lower back dan punggung tanpa menggunakan alat sokongan. Gambar di bawah ni menunjukkan 10 set exercises (plus streches) untuk melengkapkan senaman ni.

Warm Up (Rib Slide)
10 reps
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms extended in line with the shoulders.
Inhale to prepare. Exhale and use your abs to lift your shoulder blades away from the mat, bringing your ribcage closer to your hips, as your arms lower down to your sides. Inhale and hold, gazing towards your belly. Exhale and slowly roll back down to the start position to complete one rep.

The Hundred
Hold and Pump Arms 100 times
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms parallel to the floor.
Keeping your abs engaged, and shoulder blades lifted, pump your arms up and down at your sides, keeping them stiff and straight. Inhale for 4 pumps and exhale for 4 pumps, keeping the rest of your body still.
Use one hand to support your head or neck, if necessary. Add challenge (and eventually progress) by lifting your legs up to a table top position, straightening them in line with the hips, or lowering your straight legs down at about a 45-degree angle. 

Single Leg Stretch
8 Reps
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees bent in a table top position, and shoulder blades lifted away from your mat (to engage your abs).
Inhale to prepare. Exhale and bring your right knee in, extending your left leg out as you reach your right hand toward your right ankle and your left hand toward your right knee. Pulse twice. Inhale and switch to the other side, exhaling as bend the left knee towards you and straighten the right leg out, pulsing twice.
Keep your abs engaged, shoulder blades lifted, and gaze towards your belly.
Single Straight Leg Stretch
8 Reps
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees bent in a table top position, and shoulder blades lifted away from your mat (to engage your abs).
Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you straighten both legs, bringing your right leg towards you (and reaching for that ankle) and extending your left leg down.  Pulse twice. Inhale and switch to the other side, lowering your right leg and lifting your left leg. Exhale as you reach for your left ankle and straighten the right leg out, pulsing twice.
Gently pull your leg towards you to feel a nice stretch on the back of the thigh. Bend your knees if necessary.
Double Leg Stretch
8 Reps
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees pulled in towards your chest, hands at your ankles, and shoulder blades lifted away from your mat (to engage your abs).
Inhale as you extend your arms and legs out, at about 45-degree angles, and exhale as you sweep your arms around and bring your knees back towards your chest, reaching for your ankles.
Don't allow your back to arch up away from your mat.

Criss Cross
8 Reps
Lie on your back, spine neutral, knees bent in a table top position, shoulder blades lifted away from your mat (to engage your abs), and hands lightly supporting your head and neck.
Inhale to prepare. Exhale to bend your right knee towards you as you extend your left leg out (about a 45-degree angle), while twisting from your waist to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Inhale to return to the start position. Exhale to switch to the opposite side to complete one rep.
Keep this movement slow and controlled. Let your head rest in your hands, and keep your elbows out to the side.

Hip Lifts
8 Reps
Lie on your left side, with your elbow directly under your shoulder, right hand on your hip, abs engaged, shoulders pulled down and back, legs stacked up, and your body in a straight line. 
Inhale to prepare. Exhale to slowly lift your hips up towards the ceiling (balancing your weight on your elbow and the side of your left foot), and inhale to slowly lower back down to complete one rep.

Side Plank with Twist
Twist 4 Times
Sit on your left hip, with your legs staggered and your left hand placed slightly wider than your shoulder. Engage your abs and lift your hips up so your body is in a straight line, with your weight balanced between the sides of your feet and your left hand.
Inhale to prepare. Exhale to twist from the waist, threading your right hand underneath your left arm, and then inhale to extend your arm back up, facing forward, to complete one rep.
Keep your hips lifted and your body in a straight line. Drop your bottom knee down to the mat to make this exercise easier. 
Before moving on, repeat the Hip Lifts and Side Plank with Twist on the opposite side.

Modified Plank
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place elbows directly under shoulders and balance weight between your elbows and the balls of the feet. Your body should remain in a straight line and your abs should be pulled in tight.
Don't lift or droop the hips—keep them in line with the body. Make it easier by dropping to your knees.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 

Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place hands directly under shoulders and balance weight between your hands and the balls of the feet. Your body should remain in a straight line and your abs should be pulled in tight.
Don't lift or droop the hips—keep them in line with the body. Make it easier by dropping to your elbows or to your knees.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 

8 Reps
Lie on your stomach with arms and legs extended, and your head and neck in line with your spine.
Inhale to prepare. Exhale to lift your arms and legs up away from the floor, as high as you can lift with control and comfort and inhale to slowly lower back down to complete 1 rep. 
Keep your shoulders relaxed and body lengthened. Make it easier by lifting just the arms or just the legs.

Upward Dog Stretch
Hold Stretch for 10-30 seconds
Place you hands underneath your shoulders, elbows bent.

Slowly straighten your arms as you lower your hips down towards the floor. Pull shoulders down and look up towards the ceiling.

Breathe deeply. 
Cat Stretches
Repeat Stretches 3 times
Push yourself back onto hands and knees.  Engage the abs and round the spine, looking towards your naval.

Reverse that movement by arching the back, dropping the belly down, and looking towards the ceiling.

Child's Pose
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Starting on hands and knees, turn your toes under and shift your body weight back, over your heels.

Extend arms forward, relax through your shoulders and neck, and reach through fingertips.

Breathe deeply. When you're finished, slowly roll your spine back up.


  1. Salam Kenal..
    Dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha..
    Bagus info ini.. boleh suruh warga wanita dalam rumah buat :D

  2. tgh google pasal workout nak kuruskan perut, so here I am. thx sis, sungguh berguna for me yg tak menahan mencanak2 naik berat badan. ~sigh!
